Our Curriculum

We utilize the creative curriculum. Our curriculum was designed by our curriculum specialist with a focus geared towards student’s interests. Lessons are designed to encourage students to learn through play. The most important goal is to help become enthusiastic learners. This means that we encourage students to be active and creative explores and dreamers who are not afraid to try out their ideas, problem solve and think their own thoughts. Ultimately, we want learners to be prepared to become active and effective learners and leaders..

Infant/Toddler Program


At Extraordinary Dreamers we believe that each infant should be able to be provided with a caregiver that gives him/her individual attention and is responsible for creating bonds and trusting relationships with the child and parents. We understand that every infant is different and develops differently so our primary goal is to support parents and infants navigating their development.

All infants/ toddlers are usually on different schedules, teachers utilize feeding, diapering and pretty much anytime to create meaningful memories and conversations students. Our classroom is intimate and soft and provides and inviting presence to infants/toddlers and parents.

We provide many supports to encourage infants/toddlers to meet milestones as we understand how important it is to monitor the child’s progress.

• Tummy Time

• Small teacher to child ratio

• Individual feeding chairs

• Breastfeeding area for nursing mothers

•One on one time for toddlers

•Structured activities


•Fine motor, Gross motor and cognitive development